
Spreads awareness on coronavirus with street art

Today we are observing that Coronavirus Covid-19 is being used as the subject of topical, colorful and attractive street art. This street art is for artistic, educational and political purposes alike.

COVID-19 themed street art and graffiti paintings have appeared everywhere around the globe, covering walls and roads in different cities temporarily under lockdown due to this huge pandemic affecting the world. Take a look at some of such mesmerizing artworks from across the globe.

Click and view: https://www.slidesfinder.com/iamgyan/coronavirus-street-art-powerpoint-presentation/4262.aspx


How to gather authentic news and information COVID-19

Watching news sitting in sitting secluded in you house? What is the prevalent news then? Off course it is COVID-19, which originated in Wuhan city in China, which is being discussed and trending all over the world! The first case of virus surfaced in the month of December in 2019 in the city of Wuhan. Coronavirus’s is also known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease it causes, which is proving to be very deadly, is called COVID-19.

The virus is hitting hard at the daily life of the common people and economies around the world, and, with no vaccination so far, the only cure for this deadly disease is to take precaution and follow social distancing. Because of this reason, educating the people with authentic and useful information is very important. But, with an information overflow for us, it becomes very important, as well as difficult to determine the authenticity of the information we find.

To defeat this epidemic, we need to come together and defeat misinformation first. This is very important take authentic information to the masses in this collective fight against novel coronavirus COVID-19.

How to find authentic information on COVID-19

If we want to come victorious against our fight against coronavirus, we have got to lay our hands on right information! If you are searching for information related to novel coronavirus COVID-19 online, look for sites that:

► host information provided by experts
► maintained by government departments and organizations like WHO

One such site that hosts information provided by experts is SlidesFinder.com. On the popular presentation site you can find information in form of PowerPoint presentations and blogs/articles etc.


To deal with novel coronavirus COVID-19, you need to understand the importance of reliable sources.

For more on the novel coronavirus COVID-19, please see SlidesFinder.com’s Coronavirus Resource Center.


Digital Marketing and Better Presentations for Businesses to Win Over Coronavirus Pandemic

Today the pandemic of novel coronavirus COVID-19 has disrupted both the households as well as businesses. Coronavirus has caught life and businesses unawares and both have no clue how to respond to this threat. This becomes even more difficult with daily fresh government guidelines and directives. But is there no hope for businesses to sustain in the present time with changed consumer behaviors?

Yes, the pandemic has led to an obvious change in the behavior of people and their shopping habits. We are witnessing changes in the way people socialize, get entertained or do business. This is affecting the businesses really big time. The pandemic is affecting the masses, which in turn is affecting B2C businesses, and this in turn is affecting B2B businesses. Because of all this there is less flow of money in the economies of various countries.

But, are we going to do nothing and leave ourselves in the flow to wait for the situation to get better? Is there no hope for businesses to sustain during this time? What is the solution then?

With this pandemic hitting and pushing the masses behind the doors of their houses, people are left with no option but to get online. As such, businesses can hope digital marketing and good online presentations to come to their rescue.

With changed circumstances, and in turn, changes online behavior of the people, there are opportunities for businesses, both B2C as well as B2B if we talk about the field of digital marketing. An aggressive digital marketing and presentations’ strategy can help businesses reach out to people online to minimize the revenue loss.

With this revelation, businesses should prepare themselves with better online presence. It can be achieved with effective presentations to convince people to buy their offerings.

Read more on this topic on SlidesFinder.com blog.

For more on the novel coronavirus COVID-19, please see SlidesFinder.com’s Coronavirus Resource Center.


SlidesFinder.com Free Coronavirus PowerPoint Template

We are in the midst of a global pandemic which is one of the biggest in this century. The news shows around the world are flooded with sad stories of havoc created by novel coronavirus COVID-19. To make the situation more threatening, coronavirus seems all set to be the harbinger a global recession. Governments, private and non-governmental organizations and the people across globe are striving hard to obstruct the spread of the disease. With no vaccination available to prevent the disease precaution (complete isolation and social distancing) is the only remedy to cure this killer named coronavirus.

In situations like this, powerful PowerPoint presentations have proven to be a great tool to educate and prepare people to fight such enemies.

With this as a background, SlidesFinder.com, which is a popular slide sharing platform for professionals, came up to the expectations of the professionals by coming up with some really good free coronavirus PowerPoint templates. These free PowerPoint presentation templates are very handy and being used widely by professionals to prepare their presentations on novel coronavirus COVID-19.

SlidesFinder.com Free Coronavirus PowerPoint Templates – Contagious pathogen focused presentation templates

These SlidesFinder.com free Coronavirus PowerPoint Templates are presentation template containing a relevant image that can be used in presentations about Coronavirus and COVID-19. The free template is a PowerPoint design prepared for infectious disease presentations, specifically coronavirus.

You can use these free Coronavirus presentation templates to make presentations on coronavirus, its prevention, use of masks, washing hands, or how to disinfect your stuff, etc.

To read more on Free Coronavirus PowerPoint Templates visit SlidesFinder.com blog.

For more on the novel coronavirus COVID-19, please see SlidesFinder.com’s Coronavirus Resource Center.


How to Newsjack to get Crucial Traffic to Your SlidesFinder PowerPoint Presentations?

Let’s start with a question. Did you ever utilize a breaking or trending news to boost the viewership of your PowerPoint presentations?

Well then congratulations, you did news-jacking!

So, you did news-jacking but did it without knowing how important it can be for your long term content strategy. If employed properly, news-jacking would certainly get more audience for your PowerPoint presentations. But how to utilize news-jacking strategically to get more viewer for your presentations and increase your audience base?

To start with news-jacking and produce effective and popular PowerPoint presentations for SlidesFinder, smartly include recent and relevant headlines in your presentations. It is certainly going to boost the effectiveness of your business presentations. And keep the matter of fact in your mind that the technique of news-jacking may sound very easy, only a few presenters successfully manage it.

So, how to proceed with news-jacking to get more views likes and shares for your cherished PowerPoint presentations on SlidesFinder? Well, to get the desired results for your presentations online, you need to make use of the technique as it is more directed marketing tactics, providing you benefit of a trending topic or a breaking news.

News-jacking is a wonderful technique to promote your presentations on SlidesFinder in particular, and online in general. But remember, your success in news-jacking depend on how fast you can think and act. For more details on the topic, read SlidesFinder blog!

How News-jacking Helps You Get Important Traffic to Your SlidesFinder Presentations?


Artificial Intelligence PPT Presentation

An Artificial Intelligence (AI) PowerPoint Presentation is a visual tool used to provide information about AI. It typically includes an overview of what AI is, how it works, and its applications in various fields. The presentation may also cover the different types of AI, such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. The goal of an Artificial Intelligence PowerPoint Presentation is to help the audience understand the basics of AI and how it can impact our lives. It may also highlight the potential benefits and challenges of AI and discuss ethical considerations surrounding its use. Additionally, the presentation may include examples of AI in action and showcase some of the latest research and developments in the field.

Find more Artificial Intelligence PowerPoint Presentation


Website Security and Monitoring Ppt Presentation

The actively increasing number of internet threat, increases the importance of website security and monitoring for the success of your online business. Every month, many people surf for hacking a website and try to steal the data, change the information or spread misleading information.

Know about the simple hacks of website security in this Presentation :


Steve Jobs Ppt | Steve Jobs Motivational Quotes

When we talk about Steve Job, the first thing we admire is his journey from struggle to Apple CEO. Steve Jobs life experiences are worth every motivational quotes that is associated with him. In this presentation, we have tried to grab all the information about Steve Jobs, Apple’s Founder.

Find out our Steve Jobs PowerPoint Presentation to know more : https://www.slidesfinder.com/sophia/steve-jobs-master-of-innovation-powerpoint-presentation/1978.aspx

World Culture Festival Ppt

World Culture Festival

The World Culture Festival 2016 is a celebration of The Art of Living’s 35 years of service, humanity, spirituality and human values. The festival will celebrate the diversity in cultures from across the world while simultaneously highlighting our unity as a human family.
Thousands of Bhagra dancers from Punjab at the grande finale. Their energy was fantabulous ‪in ‎WorldCultureFestival.‬

Marking the grand finale of the phenomenal event of 2016 ‪#‎WorldCultureFestival‬ with the The Art of Living Grand Orchestra at ‪#‎WCFDay3‬ ‪#‎SriSriIndiasPride‬

75 Dancers from Indonesia perform the ‘Jali Jali! ‪in ‎WorldCultureFestival‬
90 Hip Hop artists from USA are making noise for Peace at ‪WCFDay. The crowds are loving the energy at ‪‎WorldCultureFestival‬.

148 dancers from Argentina presenting the ‘Tango’ on ‪in ‎WorldCultureFestival‬.
1350 artists performed ‘Ghoomer’, traditional folk dance from Rajasthan! ‪in‎WorldCultureFestival‬

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar lead one of the largest Peace Meditation at Day3 of The World Culture Festival!!! Lakhs of people meditated today at the banks of river Yamuna for world peace. The whole of atmosphere became vibrant and meditative.

Know More about World Culture Festival with World Culture Festival PPT : https://www.slidesfinder.com/s4slide/world-culture-festival-powerpoint-presentation/3436.aspx

Save Energy PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Save Energy

Saving energy means only we use that amount of energy which are actually required for us and save the energy for future use.using this energy conservation we have a lot of profits are save the money as well and help the environment.If we want to generate the energy we use precious natural resources like coal,oil and gas.Therefore, using less energy helps us to preserve these resources and make them last longer in the future.

Why is it important to save energy?
If people use less energy, there is less pressure to increase the available supply of energy, for example by constructing new power plants, or by importing energy from a different country.

Moreover,We think at every step of the daily activities your decision can save energy by doing same thing in different way.for example :- if we want to reheat the food then we use microwave instead of gas or stove.by such way you can save gas.

Check out our Save Energy PowerPoint Presentation to know more : https://www.slidesfinder.com/s4slide/save-energy-powerpoint-presentation/3439.aspx